Enclosure Movement

美 [ɪnˈkloʊʒər ˈmuːvmənt]英 [ɪnˈkləʊʒə(r) ˈmuːvmənt]
  • 网络圈地运动
Enclosure MovementEnclosure Movement
  1. Beijing 's real estate being a new round of enclosure movement .


  2. In this enclosure movement , the National Science Group is a very important role .


  3. Chinese " Enclosure Movement " and Its Negative Consequences


  4. The Enclosure Movement had once promoted the agricultural development and upgraded this agriculture .


  5. A Look at the Perfection of Rules of Law for Land Management from the New Enclosure Movement for University Towns


  6. Chinese " enclosure movement " has grown into a big social problem and attracted wide attention from the society .


  7. Enclosure Movement of Brands


  8. The government , especially the local government , is responsible for such problems as the runaway investment , enclosure movement and the trouble of the state owned enterprises .


  9. The LGS mainly oriented by agreement not only results in the monopoly , but also facilitates the heavy " Enclosure Movement " and rent-seeking activities .


  10. The increasing demand for land of industrialization and urbanization , sets off enclosure movement three times across the country , resulting in a large number of farmers lost their land .


  11. Blue economy , as the main body of marine economy , is increasingly becoming the main field for countries to implement the strategy of sustainable development , which is called the blue enclosure movement .


  12. The Enclosure Movement was the outcome of the social development in England in the 14 th - 15 th century , and it was one of the forms of Capital Primitive Accumulation .


  13. There are some sightless " Enclosure Movement " in the training market , which results in the credit crisis of the folk education and training organizations , and make it have ecological unbalance .


  14. The problems are that the medium and small investors suffer from unfair treatment ; it easily becomes an " Enclosure Movement " of the listed company ; and it easy brings negative impacts on the market .


  15. The essence of new enclosure movement is land capitalization . It is the use right of state-owned land that is capitalized . By using land price scissors , governments have achieved deprivation of farmers once again .


  16. Arctic resources , routes , and military status have become the focus of world attention , based on United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea , circumpolar countries began the " enclosure movement " in Arctic region .


  17. We do not prevent lines from the real estate market the " enclosure " movement causes for analysis .


  18. These multi-national banks to carry sophisticated risk management capability , innovation and the accumulation of a strong financial capacity to start a new round of rural financial markets " enclosure " movement .


  19. However , in this massive " enclosure " movement , a direct violation of the interests of farmers have little voice , often without the knowledge of the circumstances in the loss of their land , forced to accept the amount of land compensation costs .
